Nieuwsbrief 4 - maart 2021

The important news is we agreed to move forward with renowned construction company Friso Bouw in December. They will take care of the further development, sale and completion of the building complex. They will also build the entranceway, ponds and landscape park of the surrounding estate.
In the previous newsletter, we talked about changes in the design: dividing the manor house into two houses, the western half of which will be the family home. At the centre of the manor house, we included a well-lit hall that can be reached via stately stairs with a landing at the front.

The preparations for the sale of the nine houses in the wings and the eastern part of the manor house have also started. To this end, the services of Duinstra Melis real estate agents have been employed. We expect to start sales this summer.

We have had an official meeting with the Municipality of Waadhoeke, of which Franeker is the capital city, with respect to the design and further procedure for the implementation. The next step is a meeting with alderwoman Nel Haarsma to reaffirm the administrative support for the construction.
From a municipal point of view, we are a very special project: a non-profit housing project with allure, initiated and supported by the Kingma family. A to be constructed estate with a manor house that has the ambition to become a monument of the 21st century gives the Franeker community something that is unique; a pearl in its rural area.

In the meantime, we have been working hard on the preparations of the estate company Kingma State that will run the family house and the exterior grounds. This company will be an 'NSW BV' (Estates Act private limited company) with (a maximum of) 20 shareholders from the family.

The company is governed by the Estates Act, which comes with interesting tax benefits for the shareholders.
In return, the estate must consist of forest and/or nature for at least 30 percent, with the exception of the residential island, and its roads and pathways must be publicly accessible.

Currently, a number of Kingma family members from the direct family circle of the initiators have indicated a wish to participate as a shareholder in the Kingma State estate company. This means, we are well on our way to acquiring the required capital (€ 500,000) for the company.

In the coming months, other family members have the option of contacting us for shareholdership or displaying interest ( There is space for a maximum of 20 shareholders with a minimum investment of € 25,000 in the NSW BV, so do not wait too long in letting us know you are interested!

Moreover, we will soon begin crowdfunding for the capital the estate company requires among family members and other interested parties for sums starting from € 250. In return, depositary receipts for shares will be granted.

A considerable part of the costs for the construction of the estate is paid from the proceeds of the sale of the houses.
Soon, our website will present information regarding the consideration (such as tax benefits) linked to your participation and other required information with respect to shareholdership and being a depositary receipt holder.

Only a few recipients of the newsletter responded to our request for nice stories about the Kingmas for publication on the website. We had hoped for more responses.
You can help us by responding to the newsletter, positively, negatively, neutral or opposing; everything is permitted (!